COP28, the latest climate change conference to be held under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), was held in the United Arab Emirates from 30 November to 12 December, 2023.
The conference was a milestone moment when the world took stock of the progress made towards the delivery of the Paris Agreement, the legally binding international treaty on climate change signed at COP21 in France in 2015.

The overarching goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit “the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels” and pursue efforts “to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.”
In recent years, there has been increasing attention to limit global warming to 1.5°C by the end of this century. To achieve this would require net-zero greenhouse gas emissions globally by around 2050.
The UAE was the first country in the region to
  • ratify the Paris Agreement;
  • commit to an economy-wide reduction in emissions;
  • announce a Net Zero by 2050 strategic initiative.
It is also a country that has recently introduced nuclear energy to contribute to its emission reduction goals.
It provided an ideal opportunity for cross-sector engagement and action under the Net Zero Nuclear initiative.
Net Zero Nuclear had a multifaceted approach to participation at COP28: Maximizing reach and utilizing our resources to deliver a joint program of engagement taking place in the lead up and across the various COP28 days and zones.
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