EVENTS > Net Zero Nuclear - Collaboration between government and industry to accelerate the clean energy transition
Net Zero Nuclear - Collaboration between government and industry to accelerate the clean energy transition
How the nuclear industry can best align and collaborate with governments to accelerate growth in nuclear energy
5 December 2023 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM Blue Zone, B7, Opportunity Petal, Thematic Pavilion 3 (building 88), Shared Presentation Space 3, (2nd) Floor 3

Net Zero Nuclear is an initiative that calls for unprecedented collaboration between government and industry leaders to at least triple global nuclear capacity to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

This event previewed how the nuclear industry can best align and collaborate with governments to accelerate growth in nuclear energy. It looked back the annoucement of the Ministerial Declaration earlier in the week at COP and looked forward to the launch of the Net Zero Nuclear Industrial Pledge . The session also included an overview and select case studies from key nuclear energy countries and regions.


Sama Bilbao y Leon (World Nuclear Association)
Tom Greatrex (Nuclear Industry Association)
Yves Desbazeille (nucleareurope)
Maria Korsnick (Nuclear Energy Institute)
Akihito Uetake  (Japan Atomic Industrial Forum)


published on: Friday, December 1, 2023written by: NET ZERO NUCLEAR
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