EVENTS > Novel Approaches to Engaging Nuclear Newcomers
Novel Approaches to Engaging Nuclear Newcomers
As new countries explore the potential of deploying nuclear energy, it will become increasingly important to rethink traditional methods of bi- and multilateral nuclear engagement.
5 December 2023 11:00 AM - 11:40 AM Blue Zone, B7, Opportunity Petal, Thematic Pavilion 3 (building 88), Shared Presentation Space 3, (2nd) Floor 3 

This panel looked at novel approaches to civil nuclear exports, financing, and gaining social license for nuclear energy.


  • Isabelle Boemeke – Isodope
  • Tim Gitzel, CEO, Cameco
  • Jon Guidroz, Senior Vice President, TerraPraxis
  • Bonnie Jenkins, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, US Department of State
  • Rafal Kasprow, CEO, MS Orlen Synthos Green Energy


  • Jennifer Gordon, Director, Nuclear Energy Policy Initiative, Atlantic Council Global Energy Center
published on: Friday, December 8, 2023written by: NET ZERO NUCLEAR
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