EVENTS > The Nuclear Green Bond: how we got it done
The Nuclear Green Bond: how we got it done
OPG and Bruce Power have recently issued ‘Nuclear Green Bonds,’ leading the way in a new era of green finance that recognizes nuclear for its crucial climate benefits.
4 December 2023 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Blue Zone, B7, Opportunity Petal, Thematic Pavilion 3 (building 88), Shared Presentation Space 3, (2nd) Floor 3

Nuclear Power has often been excluded from green financing mechanisms and schemes. However, both OPG and Bruce Power have recently issued ‘Nuclear Green Bonds,’ leading the way in a new era of green finance that recognizes nuclear for its crucial climate benefits. Bruce Power and OPG representatives discussed how they realized they issued these successful bonds and what they mean for the future of green finance.


published on: Friday, December 8, 2023written by: NET ZERO NUCLEAR
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