NZN News
Exerting Influence: World Nuclear Association and Net Zero Nuclear in the media 2024

The past year has been extraordinary for nuclear energy in the news. The world is realizing that there is a need for clean, reliable energy and that nuclear can provide an abundance of this.

published on: 1/6/2025written by: World Nuclear News

The past year has been extraordinary for nuclear energy in the news. The world is realizing that there is a need for clean, reliable energy and that nuclear can provide an abundance of this.

This is evidenced by: announcements from technology giants Amazon, Google, Microsoft to purchase and develop nuclear energy through deals with Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) vendors and operators of existing large reactors; fourteen of the world’s leading banks signed up to support the tripling of global nuclear capacity by 2050, in New York Climate Week; and how nuclear energy is viewed as an essential part of the future clean energy mix in the conversations at COP29 in Baku.

Read the full article here

Net Zero Nuclear highlights include:

Nuclear Power Was Once Shunned at Climate Talks. Now, it’s a Rising Star (15 November 2024) in The New York Times featured our Director General for the first quote when interviewed on the sidelines of COP29.

Is nuclear energy the zero-carbon answer to powering AI? (3 October 2024) in the Financial Times (FT) referenced our World Nuclear Symposium.

- Both Financial Times (World's biggest banks pledge support for nuclear power) and S&P Global (Government, business leaders seek innovative finance structures to advance nuclear power) covered the story of 14 major banks pledging support of tripling nuclear capacity by 2050 at Climate Week NYC (23 September 2024).


Attending a number of events throughout the year, our Director General Sama Bilbo y León was interviewed by mainstream media in various locations:

- Participating in World Energy Congress, Sama discussed the goal of tripling global nuclear capacity in an interview with CNBC, and about establishing Net Zero Nuclear to bring governments and industry together, with World Energy TV (23 April 2024).

- After engagements at CERA week, the Brussels nuclear summit and the G7 in Italy, Sama was interview by German Manager Magazinepreempting the partnerships of technology giants with nuclear (15 May 2024).

- During Singapore International Energy Week, Sama was interviewed about the growing clean energy investment for nuclear (21 October 2024) on Bloomberg, and why global nuclear capacity must triple to meet climate goals (22 October 2024) on CAN.

Thanks for working with us in 2024. Here’s to 2025 and continuing to provide clear, well-researched, evidence-based information to the global media, and advocating for nuclear energy on behalf of our members.

published on: 1/6/2025written by: World Nuclear News
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Net Zero Nuclear calls for recognition of nuclear as a clean, reliable, 24/7, green energy source and advocacy for the tripling of global nuclear capacity to accelerate the transition to low-carbon energy systems.

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